Amherst Community Connections offers housing and job search support for homeless people

Amherst Community Connections is a much needed resource helping the homeless with getting housing. In addition to getting housing, they help people find work so that they can relieve the shelters and become independent. This organization is run by Hewi-Ling Greeney and a staff of three paid staff members and help from more than a dozen volunteers.

This organization got it's start with a local homeless shelter was doing a great job with providing for the homeless with food and clothing, they assumed that they were staying someplace. Greeney decided to help in this area. the organization has several computers, support services and even a play area for people with kids. Through Greeney's determination, they moved from a one room space to their present location. Her hard work has proven successful and has helped quite a lot of people to succeed.

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Federal Programs Related to - Community Foundation Grants

Non-NPC category for MTurk implementation

    Federal Programs Related to - Housing, General/Other

    Programs that seek to meet the basic shelter needs of the community by providing temporary shelter for people who are in emergency situations, home improvement programs, housing location assistance and a variety of housing alternatives.

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