Portland City Council Approves Paid Sick Leave Policy

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The Portland City Council recently approved a decree that authorizes businesses to have a paid sick time policy.

When the said ordinance is implemented, thousands of workers will be eligible to receive up to 40 hours per year of paid or job-protected sick leave without fear of lost pay or termination. This is in part of the Ensuring Good Jobs and Access to Services initiative.

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Federal Programs Related to - Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy, General/Other

Programs that focus on protecting and promoting the broad civil rights and civil liberties of individuals and work to change public policy and opinion in a variety of areas.

See also: +COMMON CODE Advocacy (**B); Hate Crimes Prevention (I02.07); Housing Discrimination (I05.08); Voter Services (W08.05)

Federal Programs Related to - Mutual, Membership Benefit, General/Other

Programs that provide health, life, and other forms of insurance; pension plans and other retirement plans; supplemental unemployment insurance; access to credit; or other types of services for the mutual benefit of their members.

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