The Columbus Survey's latest results of community foundations for fiscal year 2018 are now live. The survey is an annual effort by CF Insights, a service of Candid, establishes a baseline understanding of where the community foundation field is today.
This year, more than 250 community foundations, which together manage over 90 percent of the estimated dollars in this segment of the field, contributed their data to inform the findings, now available on CFI Insights' Columbus Survey Results Dashboard.
Results showed that donor-advised funds (DAFs) are still growing in popularity year after year. DAFs continue to be a significant source of activity and growth within the community foundation field.
In addition to survey findings, CF Insights lists down rank respondents in four categories: asset size, distribution rate, total (gift and grant) transactions, and gifts per capita.
These sorted data lists enable community foundations of all sizes to: 1) See how they are positioned in various categories; 2) Examine the relationship between their overall strategy and how they rank; and 3) Enhance overall transparency.
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Federal Programs Related to - Community Foundation Grants
Non-NPC category for MTurk implementation
Federal Programs Related to - Philanthropy, Voluntarism & Grantmaking, General/Other
Private nonprofit organizations whose primary purpose is to promote the practice of charitable giving and volunteering or to represent and serve a wide range of philanthropic and charitable institutions.