Nonviolent Peaceforce, a nonprofit which sends peacekeepers to global areas to help prevent further violence, has received an unexpected gift.
The gift is a free electronic billboard on Times Square in New York City for two months as part of its promotional campaign. The gift is uncommon because the Nonviolent Peaceforce is a low-budget operation. Its U.S. headquarters are housed near Loring Park, and only opened recently its international offices in Brussels.
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Federal Programs Related to - International Peace & Security
Programs that seek to promote harmony and understanding among nations and/or engage in activities that promote peaceful ways of managing and settling international conflicts. Antiwar Movements; International Conflict Mediation; Peace Studies
Federal Programs Related to - Philanthropy, Voluntarism & Grantmaking, General/Other
Private nonprofit organizations whose primary purpose is to promote the practice of charitable giving and volunteering or to represent and serve a wide range of philanthropic and charitable institutions.