New NYC Program Pairs Homeless Youth with Seniors with Extra Bedrooms

The Home Sharing Program, which recently launched in all five New York City boroughs, pairs homeless youth with senior citizens who have extra rooms in their apartments.

According to Lorraine Cortes-Vasquez, Commissioner of the City's Department for the Aging, this new initiative will "transition homeless youth from shelters into stable homes while also helping older adults on fixed incomes reduce housing costs and social isolation, helping to support and stabilize two of the most vulnerable City populations."

The Home Sharing Program expands an existing home-sharing effort from the New York Foundation for Senior Citizens and the city. Hosts must be 60 years old and up and all youth participants must be at least 18.

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Federal Programs Related to - Social Innovation

Non-NPC category for MTurk implementation

    Federal Programs Related to - Youth Development, General/Other

    Programs that provide opportunities for children and youth to participate in recreational, cultural, social and civic activities through membership in clubs and other youth groups with a special focus on programs whose purpose is to help youngsters develop their potential and grow into healthy, educated, responsible and productive adults.

    Federal Programs Related to - Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy, General/Other

    Programs that focus on protecting and promoting the broad civil rights and civil liberties of individuals and work to change public policy and opinion in a variety of areas.

    See also: +COMMON CODE Advocacy (**B); Hate Crimes Prevention (I02.07); Housing Discrimination (I05.08); Voter Services (W08.05)

    Federal Programs Related to - Community Development, General/Other

    Programs that focus broadly on strengthening, unifying and building the economic, cultural, educational and social services of a community or neighborhood and improving the quality of life for all. Community Building; Community Capacity Building; Community Development and Improvement; Community Development Block Grants; Healthy Communities Community Economic Development Programs that provide technical assistance and funds to help communities retain and recycle income within the community by investing in the development of local institutions and businesses. Business Growth; Business Loans; Economic Growth; Economic Transformation; Real Estate Organizations; Socioeconomic Development; Technology Transfer; Transfer of Technology; Urban Enterprise Zones

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