Salvation Army Targets Homeless to Help Them Cope with Life's Hardships

The Salvation Army, known for feeding the hungry and offering temporary shelter to the homeless, has received a grant of $14,200 from the Community Foundation of the CSRA to pay for a new computer lab.

The computers will help the homeless search for jobs, apply for benefits, find housing, and enable staff to be more efficient. Salvation Army staff feels that the funds will sufficiently assist them in helping the homeless overcome life's difficult struggles.

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Federal Programs Related to - Services for the Homeless

Programs that provide supportive services for individuals and families who are homeless or which work with people who are at risk for homelessness in an effort to prevent them from losing their permanent residence.

Federal Programs Related to - Philanthropy, Voluntarism & Grantmaking, General/Other

Private nonprofit organizations whose primary purpose is to promote the practice of charitable giving and volunteering or to represent and serve a wide range of philanthropic and charitable institutions.

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