Gates Foundation's Innovative Grants Portfolio

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced investments totaling more than $20 million dollars. The investment will be focused on the identification and expansion of promising cutting-edge learning resources.

The investment will support development of game-based learning applications; math, English language, arts, and science curricula built into digital formats; learning through social networking platforms; and embedded assessments through a real-time and engaging environment of experiences and journeys.

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Federal Programs Related to - Education, General/Other

Programs that provide opportunities for people in the community to acquire the knowledge, skills, desirable qualities of behavior and character, wisdom and general competence that will enable them to fully participate in and enjoy the social, political, economic and intellectual life of the community. Home-Based Education; Home Education; Home Schooling

Employees have raised concerns over the future of disability support organization Bindi, following four staff layoffs that were just recently announced.

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