The USA Swimming Foundation has announced that announced Friends of Rockbridge Swimming is one of 41 nationwide recipients of the 2012 Make A Splash Grant to provide swimming lessons.
The USA Swimming Foundation is grateful to its donors and partners who have made this year's grants possible who continue to help fund this vital initiative and provide this opportunity to children across the nation.
Federal Programs Related to - Health Care, General/Other
Programs which help people achieve and maintain physical well-being through prevention, screening, evaluation and treatment and the provision of family planning, maternity and other services that relate to human reproduction.
Federal Programs Related to - Children & Youth Services
Programs that provide a wide variety of informational, social and supportive services for children and youth. Adolescent Services; Child Welfare; Children's Social Services; Children's Services; Kinship Care; Youth Services
HootSuite CEO Ryan Holmes says “…social tools are getting more broadly adopted across organizations. It’s not just marketing anymore, it’s sales, public relations, human relations, everywhere.”
Friends Of Rockbridge Swimming Awarded Make A Splash Grant