Community Foundation of the Central Blue Ridge Upcoming Grants

The Community Foundation of the Central Blue Ridge announces $175,000 in competitive community grants to 25 organizations serving the cities of Staunton and Waynesboro, and the counties of Augusta and Nelson.

Foundation CEO Becky Kohler noted that each year, their grants help fill the gaps in basic human services, health, arts, education, and more. The funds are made possible by a combination of the unrestricted and field-of-interest funds established and grown from donations.

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Federal Programs Related to - Education, General/Other

Programs that provide opportunities for people in the community to acquire the knowledge, skills, desirable qualities of behavior and character, wisdom and general competence that will enable them to fully participate in and enjoy the social, political, economic and intellectual life of the community. Home-Based Education; Home Education; Home Schooling

Federal Programs Related to - Health Care, General/Other

Programs which help people achieve and maintain physical well-being through prevention, screening, evaluation and treatment and the provision of family planning, maternity and other services that relate to human reproduction.

Federal Programs Related to - Human Services, General/Other

Programs that support the personal and social development of individuals and families; provide care, protection and supervision; and enhance the individual's independence and ability to manage his or her own resources.

See also: Food (K03); Health Care (Major Group E); Housing (Major Group L); Legal Services (I05); Mental Health, Substance Abuse (Major Group F); Recreation & Sports (Major Group N); Youth Development (Major Group O)

Use references: Community Services; Multiservice Programs; Neighborhood Multipurpose Centers; Settlement House Programs; Social Services; Social Work

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