With the $300,000 grant from the Kresge Foundation, the Arts Council of Greater Baton Rouge will lead an effort to foster arts and cultural development in Old South Baton Rouge, and to reopen the Lincoln Theatre and build the Louisiana Black History Hall of Fame Museum.
Derek Gordon, president and chief executive officer of the arts council thanked the Kresge Foundation, noting the bulk of the cultural district study will be funded by its grant.
“The support of the Kresge Foundation was a major check mark in getting this project to move forward,” he said
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Federal Programs Related to - Arts, Culture & Humanities, General/Other
Programs that sponsor any of a wide variety of activities in the arts and humanities. Arts Programs; Cultural Programs; Costume Design; Design Arts Programs; Fashion Design; Industrial Design; Multimedia Programs General Arts Education Programs that offer general arts educational programming and/or instruction.
Federal Programs Related to - Community Development, General/Other
Programs that focus broadly on strengthening, unifying and building the economic, cultural, educational and social services of a community or neighborhood and improving the quality of life for all. Community Building; Community Capacity Building; Community Development and Improvement; Community Development Block Grants; Healthy Communities Community Economic Development Programs that provide technical assistance and funds to help communities retain and recycle income within the community by investing in the development of local institutions and businesses. Business Growth; Business Loans; Economic Growth; Economic Transformation; Real Estate Organizations; Socioeconomic Development; Technology Transfer; Transfer of Technology; Urban Enterprise Zones